As many people use Oracle JDK, I think it worth mentioning that according 
Oracle Support Roadmap there are some changes in their policies for Java 11 and 
above (

In particular:
“Starting with Java SE 9, in addition to providing Oracle JDK for free under 
the BCL<>, Oracle 
also started providing builds of OpenJDK<> under an 
open source license<> (similar to 
that of Linux). Oracle is working to make the Oracle JDK and OpenJDK builds 
from Oracle 
 - targeting developers and organizations that do not want commercial support 
or enterprise management tools. Beginning with Oracle Java SE 11 (18.9 LTS), 
the Oracle JDK will continue to be available royalty-free for development, 
testing, prototyping or demonstrating purposes. As announced in September 
 with the OracleJDK and builds of Oracle OpenJDK being interchangeable for 
releases of Java SE 11 and later, the Oracle JDK will primarily be for 
commercial and support customers and OpenJDK builds from Oracle are for those 
who do not want commercial support or enterprise management tools.”

What these statements mean for Cassandra users in terms of which JDK (there are 
several OSS alternatives available) is the best to use in case of absence of 
active Oracle/Java Subscription?


From: Jonathan Haddad <>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 9:02 PM
To: user <>
Subject: Java 11 support in Cassandra 4.0 + Early Testing and Feedback

Hey folks,

As we start to get ready to feature freeze trunk for 4.0, it's going to be 
important to get a lot of community feedback.  This is going to be a big 
release for a number of reasons.

* Virtual tables.  Finally a nice way of querying for system metrics & status
* Streaming optimizations 
* Groundwork for strongly consistent schema changes
* Optimizations to internode communcation
* Experimental support for Java 11

I (and many others) would like Cassandra to be rock solid on day one if its 
release.  The best way to ensure that happens is if people provide feedback.  
One of the areas we're going to need a lot of feedback on is on how things work 
with Java 11, especially if you have a way of simulating a real world workload 
on a staging cluster.  I've written up instructions here on how to start 

Java 11 hasn't been released yet, but that doesn't mean it's not a good time to 
test.  Any bugs we can identify now will help us get to a stable release 
faster.  If you rely on Cassandra for your business, please take some time to 
participate in the spirit of OSS by helping test & provide feedback to the team.

Thanks everyone!
Jon Haddad
Principal Consultant, The Last Pickle

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