On Sat, 8 Sep 2018, 14:47 Jonathan Haddad, <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:

> 256 tokens is a pretty terrible default setting especially post 3.0.  I
> recommend folks use 4 tokens for new clusters,

I wonder why not setting it to all the way down to 1 then? What's the key
difference once you have so few vnodes?

with some caveats.

And those are?

When you fire up a cluster, there's no way to make the initial tokens be
> distributed evenly, you'll get random ones.  You'll want to set them
> explicitly using:
> python -c 'print( [str(((2**64 / 4) * i) - 2**63) for i in range(4)])'
> After you fire up the first seed, create a keyspace using RF=3 (or
> whatever you're planning on using) and set allocate_tokens_for_keyspace to
> that keyspace in your config, and join the rest of the nodes.  That gives
> even distribution.

Do you possibly know if the DSE-style option which doesn't require a
keyspace to be there also works to allocate evenly distributed tokens for
the very first seed node?


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