Some upcoming Cassandra-related conferences, if anyone is interested:

Scylla Summit
November 5-7, 2018
Pullman San Francisco Bay Hotel, Redwood City CA 

(This one seems to be almost entirely Scylla focussed, maybe not terribly 
useful for non-Scylla users)

DataStax Accelerate
May 21-23, 2019 
National Harbor, Maryland <>

(No talks list or sponsors have been posted yet)

I’m not in the middle of the politics or nor do I have any affiliation with 
either of these companies.  I just thought lowly users like myself might 
appreciate the mention these on the -users list.  

I wish we should have had a post or two about the Distributed Data Summit;  I 
think we probably would have had an even better conference!  :-)

- Max

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