I'm not really a hardware performance guy, still looking at that with
cassandra.  I use 2 t.large instances with reserved pricing, which saves
about 80% on costs if you pay for 1 year.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 12:20 PM Riccardo Ferrari <ferra...@gmail.com>

> Hi list!
> I am wondering what instance type is best for a small cassandra cluster on
> AWS.
> Actually I'd like to compare, or have your opinion about the following
> instances:
>    - r5*d*.xlarge (4vCPU, *19*ecu, 32GB ram and 1 NVMe instance store
>    150GB)
>       - Need to attach a 600/900GB ESB
>       - i3.xlarge (4vCPU, *13ecu, *30.5GB ram and 9.5TB NVMe instance
>    store)
> Both have up to 10Gb networking.
> I see AWS mark i3 as the NoSQL DB instances nevertheless r5d seems bit
> better CPU wise. Putting a decently sized gp2 EBS I should have enough IOPS
> especially we think to put commitlog and such on the 150GB NVMe storage.
> About the workload: mostly TWCS inserts and upserts on LCS.
> What's you thought?
> PS: I would really avoid going for 8vCPU.

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