The 3.0 branch is slightly different than the 3.11 branch

For you, going to 3.0.18 would be a minor version upgrade while going to 3.11.4 
would be a major version upgrade

3.11 would give you access to features like CDC, SASI and performance 
improvements like better large partition support and the in process chunk cache 

Note that I said 3.0.18 and 3.11.4 - new releases should come out this week or 
early next, and I encourage you to wait for these new versions 

Jeff Jirsa

> On Feb 5, 2019, at 3:03 AM, Adil <> wrote:
> Hi,
> we have a cluster with cassandra 3.0.9 and we are going to upgrade it to the 
> latest version which i think is 3.11.3 but a teamate told me that the latest 
> version is 3.0.17.
> what is the latest stable version?
> thanks in advance.

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