All below AFAIK

a) The query will only be retried after half the timeout has passed, if the
query is idempotent (you have to set that on prepare statement, otherwise
it will assume it isn't)
b) Querytimeout can be set globally in the
c) The LoadBalancingPolicy should handle that. Generally use
TokenAwarePolicy it should round robin through nodes that are responsible
for the data you are trying to save/access

On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 15:45, amit sehas <> wrote:

> Sorry to bother you, i am just starting to look into Cassandra, and am
> confused about a lot of things.
> If a client sends a query to a coordinator, then if it does not receive a
> response from the co-ordinator then:
> a) is there a timeout at which client retries the query?
> b) is there somewhere we can specify the timeout?
> c) will it resend the query to the same co-ordinator, if not then how does
> it determine which coordinators to send it to?
> thanks

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