*Hello my fellow Cassandra people!I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but
DataStax is hosting a conference this year, DataStax Accelerate. I’m in
charge of the speaker part of the conference, so I’m here to ask for some
help. I want a ton of awesome Cassandra content! The best part of our
community is when we share our challenges and successes with other users.
Last year we ran a lot of developer events and the #1 topic request from
attendees was use cases. There is a ton of new Cassandra users out there
and they want to learn from what you have done. Yes. I’m talking to you.
Here’s the big ask part. The deadline for talk submissions is February 15.
That’s 10 days away! Time to think of that awesome topic and get it in. Do
it now! -> http://bit.ly/DataStaxAccelerate-CallForPapers
<http://bit.ly/DataStaxAccelerate-CallForPapers>But you may have
questions:Q: My use case is boring, why would anyone want to see it?A: I
can guarantee you faced some unique challenges and solved them in a unique
way. Talk sessions are 40 minutes and that forces you to stick to a few
talking points. Q: This is a DataStax conference so you are only looking
for DataStax customers, right?A: Nope! I’m looking for Cassandra use cases
no matter how you roll it out. Except no Cassandra 1.x use cases. Sorry
Carlos Rolo. I have to draw a line! Q: I have a cool use case but what if I
can’t get approval to talk by February 15? A: No worries! Just submit your
talk with a note in the abstract that it should be held pending approvals.
I’ll follow-up with you after the deadline and hold it until you get final
approval. I MAY have a few of those already in the queue. ;) Q: My talk
idea could be cool, can I get some help pulling it together? A: I’m here to
help. If you want to talk out your idea, feel free to email me or hit me on
a Twitter DM, @PatrickMcFadin If you still don’t want to submit a talk
after all that, no problem. We would love to see you in the halls. There
will a lot of new and familiar faces from the Cassandra Community. A great
time to network and pick up some great ideas. The technical keynote alone
will be worth the trip with back-to-back talks from Jonathan Ellis and Nate
McCall. Where: Gaylord Convention Center just outside of Washington
D.C.When: May 21-23, 2019Register and take 20% off on me! McFadin20 ->
http://bit.ly/DataStaxAccelerate <http://bit.ly/DataStaxAccelerate>And
finally, if you are new to Cassandra and you want to get some fast
experience building apps, we are hosting a Apache Cassandra Application
Bootcamp the day before the conference. I’ll be there teaching along with a
bunch of other Developer Relations folks from DataStax. We would love to
have you join us -> http://bit.ly/DataStaxAccelerate-Bootcamp
<http://bit.ly/DataStaxAccelerate-Bootcamp>Thanks everyone. I hope to see
you at Accelerate in May.Patrick*

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