We have a multitenant cluster that we can't upgrade to 3.x easily, and we'd
like to migrate some apps off of the shared cluster to dedicated clusters.

This is a 2.2 cluster.

So I'm trying a trigger to track updates while we transition and will send
via kafka. Right now I'm just trying to extract all the data from the
incoming updates

so for

    public Collection<Mutation> augment(ByteBuffer key, ColumnFamily
update) {

the names returned by the update.getColumnNames() for an update of a table
with two clustering columns and had a regular column update produced two

one has no name, and no apparent raw value (bytebuffer is empty)

the other is the data column.

I can extract the primary key from the key field

But how do I get the values of the two clustering columns? They aren't
listed in the iterator, and they don't appear to be in the key field. Since
clustering columns are encoded into the name of a cell, I'd imagine there
might be some "unpacking" trick to that.

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