Appreciate your response. 

As for extending the cluster & keeping the default range movement = true, C* 
won’t allow  me to bootstrap multiples nodes, anyway. 

But, the question I’m still posing and have not gotten an answer for, is if fix 
Cassandra-2434 disallows bootstrapping multiple nodes to extend the cluster 
(which I was able to test in my lab cluster), why did it allow to bootstrap 
multiple nodes in the process of replacing dead nodes (no range calc).

This fix forces a node to boostrap from former owner. Is this still the case 
also when bootstrapping when replacing dead node.

Thank you

Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: Bootstrapping to Replace a Dead Node vs. Adding a 
NewNode:Consistency Guarantees

The article you mentioned here clearly says  “For new users to Cassandra, the 
safest way to add multiple nodes into a cluster is to add them one at a time. 
Stay tuned as I will be following up with another post on bootstrapping.” 

When extending cluster it is indeed recommended to go slow & serially. 
Optionally you can use cassandra.consistent.rangemovement=false but you can run 
in getting over streamed data.  Since you’re using release way newer when fixed 
introduced , I assumed you won’t see same behavior as described for the version 
which fix addresses. After adding node , if you won’t get  consistent data, you 
query consistency level should be able to pull consistent data , given you can 
tolerate bit latency until your repair is complete – if you go by 
recommendation i.e. to add one node at a time – you’ll avoid all these nuances .

From: Fd Habash [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2019 3:12 PM
Subject: RE: Bootstrapping to Replace a Dead Node vs. Adding a New 
Node:Consistency Guarantees

Probably, I needed to be clearer in my inquiry ….

I’m investigating a situation where our diagnostic data is telling us that C* 
has lost some of the application data. I mean, getsstables for the data returns 
zero on all nodes in all racks. 

The last pickle article below & Jeff Jirsa had described a situation where 
bootstrapping a node to extend the cluster can loose data if this new node 
bootstraps from a stale SECONDARY replica (node that was offline > hinted 
had-off window). This was fixed in cassandra-2434.

The article & the Jira above describe bootstrapping when extending a cluster.

I understand replacing a dead node does not involve range movement, but will 
the above Jira fix prevent the bootstrap process when a replacing a dead node 
from using secondary replica?


Thank you

From: Fred Habash
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: Bootstrapping to Replace a Dead Node vs. Adding a New 
Node:Consistency Guarantees

Thank you. 

Range movement is one reason this is enforced when adding a new node. But, what 
about forcing a consistent bootstrap i.e. bootstrapping from primary owner of 
the range and not a secondary replica. 

How’s consistent bootstrap enforced when replacing a dead node. 

Thank you. 

On Apr 30, 2019, at 7:40 PM, Alok Dwivedi <> wrote:
When a new node joins the ring, it needs to own new token ranges. This should 
be unique to the new node and we don’t want to end up in a situation where two 
nodes joining simultaneously can own same range (and ideally evenly 
distributed). Cassandra has this 2 minute wait rule for gossip state to 
propagate before a node is added.  But this on its does not guarantees that 
token ranges can’t overlap. See this ticket for more details To overcome this  issue, 
the approach was to only allow one node joining at a time. 
When you replace a dead node the new token range selection does not applies as 
the replacing node just owns the token ranges of the dead node. I think that’s 
why the restriction of only replacing one node at a time does not applies in 
this case. 
Alok Dwivedi
Senior Consultant
From: Fd Habash <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, 1 May 2019 at 06:18
To: "" <>
Subject: Bootstrapping to Replace a Dead Node vs. Adding a New Node: 
Consistency Guarantees 
Reviewing the documentation &  based on my testing, using C* 2.2.8, I was not 
able to extend the cluster by adding multiple nodes simultaneously. I got an 
error message …
Other bootstrapping/leaving/moving nodes detected, cannot bootstrap while 
cassandra.consistent.rangemovement is true
I understand this is to force a node to bootstrap from the former owner of the 
range when adding a node as part of extending the cluster.
However, I was able to bootstrap multiple nodes to replace dead nodes. C* did 
not complain about it.
Is consistent range movement & the guarantee it offers to bootstrap from 
primary range owner not applicable when bootstrapping to replace dead nodes? 
Thank you

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