Fantastic! Now there are three teams making k8s operators for C*: Datastax,
Instaclustr, and now Orange.

I'm speaking at #DataStaxAccelerate, the world’s premiere #ApacheCassandra
conference, and I want to see you there! Use my code Singh50 for 50% off
your registration.

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 9:07 AM Jean-Armel Luce <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> We are excited to announce that CassKop, a Cassandra operator for
> Kubernetes developped by Orange teams, is now ready for Beta testing.
> CassKop works as a usual K8S controller (reconcile the real state with a
> desired state) and automates the Cassandra operations through JMX. All the
> operations are launched by calling standard K8S APIs (kubectl apply …) or
> by using a K8S plugin (kubectl casskop …).
> CassKop is developed in GO, based on CoreOS operator-sdk framework.
> Main features already available :
> - deploying a rack aware cluster (or AZ aware cluster)
> - scaling up & down (including cleanups)
> - setting and modifying configuration parameters (C* and JVM parameters)
> - adding / removing a datacenter in Cassandra (all datacenters must be in
> the same region)
> - rebuilding nodes
> - removing node or replacing node (in case of hardware failure)
> - upgrading C* or Java versions (including upgradesstables)
> - monitoring (using Prometheus/Grafana)
> - ...
> By using local and persistent volumes, it is possible to handle failures
> or stop/start nodes for maintenance operations with no transfer of data
> between nodes.
> Moreover, we can deploy cassandra-reaper in K8S and use it for scheduling
> repair sessions.
> For now, we can deploy a C* cluster only as a mono-region cluster. We will
> work during the next weeks to be able to deploy a C* cluster as a multi
> regions cluster.
> Still in the roadmap :
> - Network encryption
> - Monitoring (exporting logs and metrics)
> - backup & restore
> - multi-regions support
> We'd be interested to hear you try this and let us know what you think!
> Please read the description and installation instructions on
> For a quick start, you can also follow this step by step guide :
> The CassKop Team

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