We do this without containers quite successfully. As precaution, we...
- have dedicated disk per instance.
- have lots of network bandwidth, but also throttle throughout defaults.
Also monitor network closely
- share CPU completely. Limit Cassandra settings to limit CPU use
(concurrent threads, compaction throughput, etc) and monitor closely.
- have plenty of memory on top of jvm allocation
- never have 2 nodes from the same cluster on a single node.
- use VIPs so each instance gets its own IP address.
- use sane OS defaults as documented by Amy Tobey.

That said, using cgroups or containers would provide better isolation (but
worse bursting) when available.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019, 8:42 PM Sandeep Nethi <nethisande...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Nitan,
> You shouldn’t have any issues if you setup things properly.
> Few possible issues could be (can become a bottleneck)
> * CPU allocation (Instances can compete)
> * Disk throughput & IOPS &
> * Port allocations
> * Network throughout
> * Consistency issues.
> And we have work around for all above,
> * CPU: Use jvm file to limit number of CPU cores for each instance.
> * DISK: If possible allocate dedicated disks for each instance.
> * NETWORK & Ports:   Have a secondary NIC (or equivalent to num of
> instances). This will give you the flexibility to have Cassandra on same
> ports with better networking operations.
> * RACK: having multiple instances on one node can lead to consistency
> problems when a hosted node goes down for some reason with having RACK’s
> defined. So, this is very important to choose when going with this kind of
> setup.
> Hope this helps!
> Thanks,
> Sandeep.Nethi
> On Sat, 21 Sep 2019 at 12:20 PM, Nitan Kainth <nitankai...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I am looking for possible issues doing this setup without containers.
>> Regards,
>> Nitan
>> Cell: 510 449 9629
>> On Sep 20, 2019, at 5:22 PM, Elliott Sims <elli...@backblaze.com> wrote:
>> A container of some sort gives you better isolation and less risk of a
>> mistake that could cause the instances to conflict in some way.  Might be
>> better for balancing resources between them as well, though using cgroups
>> directly can also accomplish that.
>> On Fri, Sep 20, 2019, 8:27 AM Nitan Kainth <nitankai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi There,
>>> Any feedback pros/cons for having multiple instances of C* on the same
>>> machine without Docker/container solution?
>>> The plan is to change the ports and run multiple C* processes, so we can
>>> isolate two applications as two different clusters.

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