
Apologies if this isn’t the right group to ask questions. If it isn’t, please 
let me know wehre I should send such messages.

I am trying to run cassandra on google cloud and want to use external IP to run 
cassandra. I specified the external address in rpc_address in but got error 
when trying to start cassandra- INFO [main] 2019-12-17 19:00:37,251 
Server.java:159 - Starting listening for CQL clients on /xx.xx.xxx.xx:9042 
(unencrypted)... Exception (java.lang.IllegalStateException) encountered during 
startup: Failed to bind port 9042 on xx.xx.x.xx. 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to bind port 9042 on x.x.x.x.x..

Would you know what I might be doing wrong?


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