Here is a link to get started with DSBench:

and DataStax Labs:

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 11:47 AM Jonathan Shook <> wrote:
> Some of you may remember NGCC talks on metagener (now VirtualDataSet)
> and engineblock from 2015 and 2016. The main themes went something
> along the lines of "testing c* with realistic workloads is hard,
> sizing cassandra is hard, we need tools in this space that go beyond
> what cassandra-stress can do but don't require math phd skills."
> We just released our latest attempt at solving this difficult problem
> set. It's called DSBench and it's free to download from DataStax Labs.
> Looking forward to your feedback and hope this tool can prove valuable
> for your sizing, stress testing, and performance benchmarking needs.

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