> Should upgradesstables not be run after every node is upgraded? If we need
> to rollback then  we will not be able to downgrade sstables to older version

You can choose to (a) upgrade the SSTables one node at a time as you
complete the binary upgrade, or (b) upgrade the binaries on all nodes then
perform the SSTables upgrade in one hit. The choice is up to you but beware
of the following caveats:
- there's a performance hit when C* reads "n - 1" versions of SSTables so
the sooner you do it the better
- upgrading SSTables one node at a time is preferable due to the
considerable performance hit or schedule it during low traffic periods

The idea of a rollback isn't what you're accustomed to. There is no concept
of "downgrade" in Cassandra. If you decide to rollback or backout of an
upgrade implementation, it means that you have to restore your cluster from
backups so be aware of that too. This is because once you've performed an
upgrade, things like schema and system tables are generally no longer
backward-compatible. Also, new incoming mutations are written in the new
format which again is not backward-compatible. To cut to the chase -- the
decision to upgrade the SSTables has zero bearing on rollback. Cheers!

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