> Can I add new nodes with the 3.11.6  version to the cluster running with
> 3.11.3?

Technically you can. You'll be able to add 3.11.6 nodes to a 3.11.3
cluster. In fact, the reverse works too in my tests but I personally
wouldn't want to do it in production.

> Also, I see the SSTable format changed from mc-* to md-*, does this cause
> any issues?

Operations like repairs and bootstrap still works on my limited testing.
For example, if a 3.11.3 node died then you can bootstrap a replacement.

I echo the others' sentiment here and I wouldn't do this in production.
CASSANDRA-14861 [1] and CASSANDRA-14096 [2] should give you the motivation
to want to upgrade the existing nodes first before expanding the cluster.

[1] CASSANDRA-14861
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-14861> Sstable
min/max metadata can cause data loss
[2] CASSANDRA-14096
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-14096> Repair
merkle tree size causes OOM

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