Hi What is allowed and not allowed w.r.t altering Cassandra table schema?
Creating the right schema seems like the most step w.r.t using Cassandra. Coming from relational background, I still struggle to create schema which leverages duplication and per-query table (I end up creating relationships between tables). Even if I am able to create a schema which doesn’t have relationship between tables for now, my application will evolve in future and I might then have to change the schema to avoid creating relationships. In that respect, what would I be able to change and not change in a schema? If I add a new field (non-key), then for existing values I suppose the value of that new field will be null/empty. But if I am allowed to make the new field an additional key then what will be the value of this key for existing data? Thanks Manu Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10