Hi Pushpendra

You should use the headless service, e.g.,

// Note that this code snippet is using v3.x of the driver.
// Assume the service is deployed in namespace dev and is
// named cassandra-service. The FQDN of the service would then
// be cassandra-service.dev.svc.cluster.local. If your client
// is deployed in the same namespace, you can reach it with by
// cassandra-service without the rest.

cluster = Cluster.builder
Session session = cluster.connect();

A headless service will resolve to multiple endpoints. The exact endpoints
to which it maps will be determined by the label selector you use for your
service. You can check this with:

$ kubectl get endpoints

The service will update the endpoints with any IP address changes. The
addContactPoint method calls the following:


getAllByName will return all of the endpoints. If the entire C* cluster
goes down, you will need to bounce the driver.



On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 4:47 AM Pushpendra Rajpoot <
pushpendra.nh.rajp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We have created a statefulset & headless service to deploy Cassandra in
> Kubernetes. Our client is also in the same Kubernetes cluster. We have
> identified two ways by which we can find contact point for driver in client
> application:
>    1. Use 'cassandra-headless-service-name' as contactPoints
>    2. Fetch the IPs of pods from headless-service & externalize the  IPs.
>    Read these IP as contact points when initializing the connection.
> So far so good. Above will work if one/some pods are restarted and their
> IP changes. In this case, the driver will update the new IP automatically.
> *How will this work in case of complete outage (all Cassandra pods down) ?
> If all the pods are down and they come back online with different IPs (IP
> can change in Kubernetes), how will the application connect to Cassandra?*
> *What is the best way to connect Cassandra cluster in Kubernetes with a
> client running in the same cluster.*
> Regards,
> Pushpendra


- John

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