On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 7:54 PM Tobias Eriksson <tobias.eriks...@qvantel.com>

> Hi
>  I am monitoring a 20+ node cluster, and 5 of them has an excessive GC
> Count
> Typically the nodes has 40-60,000 GC runs, but a handful has 4,000,000 GC
> runs
> And it is not temporary this is the same all the time, see diagram below
> Interesting is that this is NOT the machines with high latency, instead
> the latency is fine
> But I am curious to how come I have such crazy runs on a handful of the
> machines
> Trying to reason I figured
>    1. These machines become coordinators more than any other
>    2. The partitioning is skewed, some often used table have partition
>    keys that end up on these 5 machines
>    3. …
> If the count is since the JVM on the node started, could it just be that
these nodes were not restarted recently, but others were?..


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