Another workaround that i used for UNREACHABLE nodes problem, is to restart the 
whole cluster and it would be fixed, but i don't know if it cause any problem 
or not

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---- On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 01:19:35 +0430 Paulo Motta <> 
wrote ----

Oh, if you're adding the same hosts to another cluster then the old cluster 
might try to communicate to the decommissioned nodes if you do that before the 
3 day grace period. The cluster name not matching is a good protection, 
otherwise the two clusters will connect to each other and mayhem will ensue. 
You definitely don't want this to happen!

Unfortunately this delay of 3 days is hard-coded and non-configurable before 
4.0 (see

As long as all the old cluster nodes are UP and don't see the decommissioned 
node on "nodetool status", you can safely assassinate decommissioned nodes to 
prevent this.

The requirement that all nodes in the cluster are UP before safely 
assassinating a node is to prevent a down node from trying to connect to the 
decommissioned node after it recovers.

Em qui., 17 de set. de 2020 às 17:25, Krish Donald 
<> escreveu:

Thanks Paulo,

We have to decommission multiple nodes from the  cluster and move those nodes 
to other clusters. 

So if we have to wait for 3 days for every node then it is going to take a lot 
of time.

If i am trying to add the decommissioned node to the other cluster it is giving 
me an error that cluster_name is not matching however cluster name is correct 
as per new cluster.

So until i issue assasinate , i am not able to move forward.  

On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 1:13 PM Paulo Motta <> 

After decommissioning the node remains in gossip for a period of 3 days (if I 
recall correctly) and it will show up on describecluster during that period, so 
this is expected behavior. This allows other nodes that eventually were down 
when the node decommissioned to learn that this node left the cluster.

What assassinate does is remove the node from gossip, so that's why it no 
longer shows up on describecluster, but this shouldn't be necessary. You should 
check that the node successfully decommissioned if it doesn't show up on 
"nodetool status".

Em qui., 17 de set. de 2020 às 14:26, Krish Donald 
<> escreveu:

We are on 3.11.5 opensource cassandra

On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 10:25 AM Krish Donald <> 


We decommissioned a node from the cluster.

On decommissioned node it said in system.log that node has been decommissioned .

But after couple of minutes only , on rest of the nodes the node is showing 
UNREACHABLE when we issue nodetool describecluster .

nodetool status is not showing the node however nodetool describecluster is 

I tried nodetool assassinate and now node is not showing in nodetool 
describecluster , however that seems to be the last option.

Ideally it should leave the cluster immediately after decommission.  

Once decommissioned is completed as per log then is there any issue in issuing 
nodetool assasinate ?


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