Hey Guys,

We already started to feel that however Cassandra performance is awesome in the beginning over time
- as more and more data is present in the tables,
- more and more deletes creating tombstones,
- cluster gets here and there not that well balanced
performance can drop quickly and significantly...

After ~1 year of learning curve we had to realize that time by time we run into things like "running repairs", "running compactions", understand tombstones (row and range), TTLs, etc etc becomes critical as data is growing. But on the other hand we also see often lots of warnings... Like "if you start Cassandra Reaper you can not stop doing that" ...

I feel a bit confused now, and so far never ran into an article which really deeply explains: why?
Why this? Why that? Why not this?

So I think the time has come for us in the team to start focusing on these topics now. Invest time to better understanding. Really learn what "repair" means, and all consequences of it, etc

Does anyone have any "you must read it" recommendations around these "long term maintenance" topics? I mean really well explained blog post(s), article(s), book(s). Not some "half done" orĀ  "I quickly write a post because it was too long ago when I blogged something..." thingsĀ  :-)

Good pointers would be appreciated!


Attila Wind

Mobile: +49 176 43556932

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