
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 3:18 PM Durity, Sean R <sean_r_dur...@homedepot.com>

> My answer would depend on how many “names” you expect. If it is a
> relatively small and constrained list (under a few hundred thousand), I
> would start with something like:

At the moment, the number of names is more than 10,000 but not than 100,000.

> Create table last_values (
> arbitrary_partition text, -- use an app name or something static to define
> the partition
> name text,
> value text,
> last_upd_ts timestamp,
> primary key (arbitrary_partition, name);

What is the purpose of the partition key?

(NOTE: every insert would just overwrite the last value. You only keep the
> last one.)

This is the behavior that I want. :)

> I’m assuming that your data arrives in time series order, so that it is
> easy to just insert the last value into last_values. If you have to read
> before write, that would be a Cassandra anti-pattern that needs a different
> solution. (Based on how regular the data points are, I would look at
> something time-series related with a short TTL.)

Okay, but as I know, this is the scenario when every update of the
`last_values` generates two tombstones because of the update of the `value`
and `last_upd_ts` field. Maybe I know it wrong?

Auth Gábor (https://iotguru.cloud)

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