There are operational advantages to having #racks == RF, however it's by no
means mandatory. Having more racks than RF doesn't cause any
availability/health/balance problems, it is only disadvantageous in that it
makes some cluster maintenance tasks more expensive/unwieldy like repairs
and DC migrations. Note that you can re-use racks across your physical
servers assuming you have more physical servers than RF, it's not necessary
to have a separate rack per physical server, as long as there are at least
RF physical servers (ideally these physical servers should also be in the
same rack/AZ in the datacenter to protect against physical rack/datacenter

FYI this went to spam on GMail. I suspect google is flexing their monopoly
muscles against zoho.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 5:26 PM onmstester onmstester
<> wrote:

> Hi,
> In a article by thelastpickle [1], i noticed:
> The key here is to configure the cluster so that for a given datacenter
> the number of racks is the same as the replication factor.
> When using virtual machines as Cassandra nodes we have to set up the
> cluster in a way that number of racks is the same as physical servers, so
> by losing one physical server just one copy of any data would be lost,
> right? which could be much greater than RF, would this cause any harm on
> cluster health/balance/availability?
> [1]:
> Sent using Zoho Mail <>

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