Hi Justine,

Welcome to the community! There is quite an extensive playlist here from an
older DataStax Academy course on Cassandra admin:

An exact daily task list type video I haven't seen. In my experience the
fundamental things to know for the day to day ops are running repairs and
backups. More one off but useful topics are things like adding or removing
nodes from the cluster or even restoring a backup. To be helpful with
developers using the system, it's good to get a foundation in data
modeling. You'll find that a lot of issues come down to just a bad data
model and knowing what that looks like can save a lot of time. Here's a
playlist for that:

Please feel free ask questions as the pop up.


On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 6:24 PM <justine...@biblicaltext.com> wrote:

> Hi Elliott,
> Watching it now, this video is super super helpful, thanks for sharing. I
> was however thinking more about day to day maintenance issues, maybe that
> topic is not quite as sexy for a youtube video 😀   Maybe I should make one
> once I have become a bit more experience under my belt.
> On Mar 18, 2021, at 6:27 AM, Elliott Sims <elli...@backblaze.com> wrote:
> I'm a big fan of this one about LWTs:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcxQM3ZN20c
> Not only if you want to understand LWTs, but also to get a better
> understanding of the sometimes-unintuitive consistency promises made and
> not made for non-LWT queries.
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 11:53 PM <justine...@biblicaltext.com> wrote:
>> I know there is a lot of useful information out there, including on you
>> tube. I am looking for recommendations for good introductory (but detailed)
>> videos created by people who have cassandra cluster management, that
>> outline all the day to day activities someone who is managing a cluster
>> would understand and/or be doing.
>> I believe I have a reasonably good grasp of Cassandra, but I am in that
>> “I don’t know what I don’t know phase” where there might be things that I
>> am unaware I should understand.
> —
> Justine So
> DevOps Engineer
> https://biblicaltext.com/

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