I am pleased to announce the first release of a brand new, asynchronous CQL driver for Rust, fully compatible with Apache Cassandra™ - Scylla Rust Driver 0.1.0.

Our new driver is capable of the following, and much more:
 * Asynchronous API based on Tokio (tokio.rs)
 * Token-aware routing
 * Shard-aware routing (specific to Scylla)
 * Prepared statements
 * Query paging
 * Compression (LZ4 and Snappy algorithms)
 * CQL binary protocol version 4
 * Batch statements
 * Configurable load balancing policies
 * Driver-side metrics
 * TLS support (based on openssl)
 * Configurable retry policies
 * Authentication support
 * CQL tracing

The source code of the driver can be found here:
 > https://github.com/scylladb/scylla-rust-driver
Contributions are most welcome!

The official crates.io registry entry is here:
 > https://crates.io/crates/scylla

The original release note:
 > https://groups.google.com/g/scylladb-users/c/IW9mevyygis

Thank you, please don't hesitate to download and test the driver, we're waiting for your feedback!

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