TWCS without a table TTL is unlikely to work correctly, and adding the table TTL retrospectively alone is also unlikely to fix the existing issue. You may need to add the table default TTL and update all existing data to reflect the TTL change, and then trigger a major compaction to update the SSTable files' metadata (specifically, maximum timestamp in the SSTable and TTL max, which can be used to calculate the safe time for deleting the entire SSTable file). After all the above is done, you will need to wait for the table default TTL amount of time before everything is back to normal. The reason for the waiting time is because the major compaction will result in a single SSTable file expiring in the TTL time, and the SSTable will remain on disk until that amount of time has passed. So you will need enough disk space for about twice the amount of data you are expecting to have in that table.

On 06/10/2021 16:34, Michel Barret wrote:
Hi, it's not set before. I set it to ensure all data have a ttl.

Thanks for your help.

Le 06/10/2021 à 13:47, Bowen Song a écrit :
What is the the table's default TTL? (Note: it may be different than the TTL of the data in the table)

On 06/10/2021 09:42, Michel Barret wrote:

I try to use cassandra (3.11.5) with 8 nodes (in single datacenter). I use one simple table, all data are inserted with 31 days TTL (the data are never updated).

I use the TWCS strategy with:
- 'compaction_window_size': '24'
- 'compaction_window_unit': 'HOURS'
- 'max_threshold': '32'
- 'min_threshold': '4'

Each node run one time by week a 'nodetool repair' and our gc_grace_seconds is set to 10 days.

I track the storage of nodes and the partition used for cassandra data (only use for this) is consuming to ~40% after one month.

But cassandra consume continuously more space, if I read the sstables with sstabledump I find very old tombstones like it :

"liveness_info" : { "tstamp" : "2021-07-26T08:15:00.092897Z", "ttl" : 2678400, "expires_at" : "2021-08-26T08:15:00Z", "expired" : true }

I don't understand why this tombstone isn't erased. I believe that I apply all I found on internet without improvement.

Anybody had a clue to fix my problem?

Have a nice day

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