
Sometimes compactions getting so slow (a few KBs per second for each 
compaction) on a few nodes which would be fixed temporarily by restarting  
restarting cassandra (although would coming back a few hours later).

Copied sstables related to slow compactions to a isolated/single node 
cassandra, and there, they are fast.

Using Set<text> as non-key column

I suspect one table with big partitions (1000 rows, each row has a Set which 
sum of set size for all rows in a big partitions is 10M), but disabling 
autocompaction for this table didn't help.

There are no obvious hardware resource shortage, resource consumptions of all 
nodes in cluster is identical but only a few of nodes has slow compactions.

I'm using Apache Cassandra 3.11.2. A few related configs:

concurrent compactors: 5

throughput: 64MB

tables count: 20 + default tables

Disk: 7.2K

CPU: 12 cores with 50% usage

Anyone experienced similar problems with compactions? Is there any related bug 
which would be fixed by upgrading? How can i find out the root cause of this 

Best Regards

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