Hello Cassandra Community!

Hopefully, you’ve seen the news that we are having a Cassandra Summit on
March 13, 2022. It’s been years since we have done something this big in
the community. We’re all a little out of practice. In an open source
community like ours, one of the most important things we can do is share
information. A summit is where we can concentrate all that sharing in one
place, record what’s said, and have great conversations. We need everyone
to submit a talk proposal by December 11th, 2022. We are accepting *in-person
or remote*! Here’s the link:

If you are ready and clicked the link, then we are good. Thanks for
reading, and see you in March. For those of you who still need to get
ready, read on.

The barrier to submitting a talk proposal falls into two buckets. 1) *My
employer won’t let me (or pay for travel.)* 2) *I don’t think I have
anything worthy of a talk at Cassandra Summit. *

*For employer issues*


   Sharing information is a valuable contribution to an open source project
   that you use, and it’s paying back to the community in one of the best

   Cassandra Summit is a vendor-independent event run by the Linux
   Foundation. This event is not an endorsement of a particular vendor.

   Getting a talk accepted gets you a free ticket. In addition, the amount
   of learning you will get just as an attendee will upgrade whatever you are
   doing with Cassandra.

*Doubt over topics*


   Every use case of Cassandra is unique, and within a 20-30 minute talk,
   sharing two or three key things can go fast.

   Some of the best talks are “Things we did wrong” Talks don’t always have
   to show off new things.

   Expand your vision with some ecosystem! A talk about using product X
   with Cassandra will be very popular.

More general advice on what to think about before filling out the CFP form.
Cassandra Summit is our opportunity to show the world how Cassandra is
moving into the future. Cassandra is the database of choice for cloud
native applications. Some topic areas that will help us all tell that story:


   Developing Applications with Cassandra

   Cloud-native Deployments and Strategies

   Ecosystem Tools that Leverage Cassandra

   What’s Coming for Future Cassandra Versions

   Use Cases and Sharing about Best Practices

And finally, I want to make sure you feel supported for any challenges you
may have. I have set up a unique Calendly link if you want a quick
consultation. You can choose Google Meet or Zoom and find a time that works
for you.


You can also find me on the ASF slack or email if you prefer that method.

The deadline is December 11, 2022, at midnight PST. Act now, and don’t be
surprised. Notification of acceptance status will happen in early January,
so this will go quickly!


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