Thank you Andy.
Is there a way to just remove the drive from the cluster and replace it later?  Ordering replacement drives isn't a fast process...
What I've done so far is:
Stop node
Remove drive reference from /etc/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
Restart node
Run repair

Will that work?  Right now, it's showing all nodes as up.


On 1/16/2023 11:55 AM, Tolbert, Andy wrote:
Hi Joe,

I'd recommend just doing a replacement, bringing up a new node with as
described here:

Before you do that, you will want to make sure a cycle of repairs has
run on the replicas of the down node to ensure they are consistent
with each other.

Make sure you also have 'auto_bootstrap: true' in the yaml of the node
you are replacing and that the initial_token matches the node you are
replacing (If you are not using vnodes) so the node doesn't skip
bootstrapping.  This is the default, but felt worth mentioning.

You can also remove the dead node, which should stream data to
replicas that will pick up new ranges, but you also will want to do
repairs ahead of time too.  To be honest it's not something I've done
recently, so I'm not as confident on executing that procedure.


On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 9:28 AM Joe Obernberger
<> wrote:
Hi all - what is the correct procedure when handling a failed disk?
Have a node in a 15 node cluster.  This node has 16 drives and cassandra
data is split across them.  One drive is failing.  Can I just remove it
from the list and cassandra will then replicate? If not - what?
Thank you!


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