I am using Cayenn 4.1.RC and trying to user custom templates. I created a new 
template, an selected in preferences, when generating I choose Advance and 
selecte my new template, generations fails with "Unable to find resource ..." 
and the template path, but this path does not have my home directory, it shows 
as a relative path, but in preferencis it has an absolute path.
I revies my data map xml in a text editor and then template path is relative, 
without my home directory as prefix.
So, I run CayenneModeler from my home directory and the template is found 
correctly. This is strange, because en Preferences path are absolute, but when 
generating they are used as relative to my home directory.
I do not know if this is a bug o I am missing something.

Atte. Juan Manuel Díaz Lara

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