--- Rodrigo Ru’iz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is JAXP compliance in the project roadmap?
> Cheers,
> Rodrigo

The Commons community has in fact voted to accept a
code donation which provides support for the relevant
parts of the JAXP spec.  This is on hold until after
JXPath 1.3 is released, whenever that is.  After that
actually incorporating the donation is somewhat
problematic because an implementation must be
TCK-certified in order to claim compatibility with a
spec, and the entire specification must be
implemented, not just one part (here XPath).  What it
boils down to, I believe, is that the best you could
hope for would be, at some point in the future, for
JXPath to distribute a separate artifact that uses the
(to be) contributed code to provide XPath support via
JXPath, but falls back to another library (probably
Xerces) to implement the remainder of JAXP. Please
feel free to subscribe to the developer list and
discuss further there if you are like.


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