On 6/25/08, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Simon,
>  Sorry for the late followup.
>  | Christopher Schultz schrieb:
>  |
>  |> Certainly. Should I log it against digester (where it is most useful) or
>  |> beanutils (where all the stock Converters actually live)?
>  |
>  | Not against Digester please. Digester doesn't do any data conversion
>  | itself, just invokes BeanUtils.
>  |
>  | BeanUtils seems the appropriate place for this.
>  Since this feature primarily benefits users of Digester, and Digester
>  already has a dependency on beanutils, why not put this
>  digester-specific capability into the digester?

I don't see this as [digester]-specific, though your usecase might be
tied to it. Converters are a better fit in [beanutils].


>  I'm not really objecting to putting this into beanutils, but I suspect
>  I'll get a "this doesn't belong here" response from the beanutils folks. ;)
>  Thanks,
>  - -chris

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