Pavel Savara schrieb:
Hi, I have properties configuration file with FileChangedReloadingStrategy
inside combined configuration. It doesn't seem to reload automaticaly
when file changes. I have to go and call reload() on that configuration
in code (((PropertiesConfiguration) conf).reload();) after that change
is propagated fine. But as i said it not happening automatically just by
reading properties from that file.

Thanks for help

CombinedConfiguration has the setForceReloadCheck() method. If called with *true* as argument, the configuration will trigger the reloading strategies of its children on each property access.

This should solve your problem.


Combined configuration file:
<configuration> <override>
    <!-- Load the system properties -->
<!-- Load gsxweb properties-->
    <properties fileName=""
      config-name="gsxweb" config-optional="false" listDelimiter="|">
      <reloadingStrategy refreshDelay="1"
</override> </configuration>

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