It sounds invalidating the object doesn't afflict the pool status,
since in some cases you invalidate null. try following Mark
all the best,

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Daniele Bonetto
<> wrote:
> yes, but if i don't invalidate the object i continue to have the problem
> Timeout waiting for idle object
> that blocks my pool as u can see in the following examples... :(
> */Example 1: without invalidateObject/*
> MaxActive = 2
> NumActive = 0
> --> Network is ok.
> Borrow obj1 --> ok [numActive 1]
> Borrow obj2 --> ok [numActive 2]
> Borrow obj3 --> nok, maxActive reached [numActive 2]
> Return obj1 [numActive 1]
> Return obj2 [numActive 0]
> Borrow obj3 --> ok [numActive 1]
> Return obj3 [numActive 0]
> --> Network turns nok.
> Borrow obj1 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive 0]
> Borrow obj2 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive 0]
> Borrow obj3 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]
> --> Network turns ok.
> Borrow obj1 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]
> Borrow obj2 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]
> Borrow obj3 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]
> and so on... It persists forever, locking my pool...
> */Example 2: with invalidateObject/*
> MaxActive = 2
> NumActive = 0
> --> Network is ok.
> Borrow obj1 --> ok [numActive 1]
> Borrow obj2 --> ok [numActive 2]
> Borrow obj3 --> nok, maxActive reached [numActive 2]
> Return obj1 [numActive 1]
> Return obj2 [numActive 0]
> Borrow obj3 --> ok [numActive 1]
> Return obj3 [numActive 0]
> --> Network turns nok.
> Borrow obj1 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive 0]
> Invalidate obj1 [numActive -1]
> Borrow obj2 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive -1]
> Invalidate obj2 [numActive -2]
> Borrow obj3 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive -2]
> Invalidate obj3 [numActive -3]
> --> Network turns ok.
> Borrow obj1 --> ok [numActive -2]
> Borrow obj2 --> ok [numActive -1]
> Borrow obj3 --> ok [numActive 0]
> Return obj1 [numActive -1]
> Return obj2 [numActive -2]
> Return obj3 [numActive -3]
> In this case the object are correctly borrowed and the pool works well, but
> the numActive counter isn't correct and it make me borrow more than 2
> objects (and it's a big problem cause i have limited connections to
> respect).
> Byez!
> Daniele Bonetto
> Il 15/01/2010 11.37, Simone Tripodi ha scritto:
>> In the example, the catch group catches exceptions that could be
>> thrown by the object _use_, I *suppose* whenever you catch a
>> java.util.NoSuchElementException you don't need to invalidate the
>> object, that's what Mark was pointing.
>> let us know, all the best,
>> Simo
>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Daniele Bonetto
>> <>  wrote:
>>> Ok, if the borrow throws an exceptin the obj was null.
>>> But i'm not sure that the invalidate was unnecessary. take a look at
>>> this:
>>> Example of use:
>>>  Object obj =|null|;
>>>  |try|  {
>>>     obj = pool.borrowObject();
>>>     |//...use the object...|
>>>  }|catch|(Exception e) {
>>>     |// invalidate the object|
>>>     pool.invalidateObject(obj);
>>>     |// do not return the object to the pool twice|
>>>     obj =|null|;
>>>  }|finally|  {
>>>     |// make sure the object is returned to the pool|
>>>     |if|(|null|  != obj) {
>>>         pool.returnObject(obj);
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> In this example u can see that if the borrow throws an exception u have
>>> to
>>> invalidate the object from pool.
>>> So. What happends to the object that i tried to borrow?
>>> I have maxActive = 2 and without invalidate if i try more than 2 times
>>> the
>>> pool returns always:
>>> java.util.NoSuchElementException: Timeout waiting for idle object
>>> I think that without the invalidate the object remains in idle and it
>>> locks
>>> my pool... With invalidateObject the pool works correctly, but the
>>> counter
>>> wasn't correct.
>>> Thanks guys for your replies.
>>> Byez!
>>> Daniele Bonetto
>>> Il 15/01/2010 11.08, Mark Thomas ha scritto:
>>>> On 15/01/2010 10:03, Simone Tripodi wrote:
>>>>> Ciao Daniele ;)
>>>>> First, I suggest you to start the subject line with [componentname],
>>>>> i.e. [POOL] if you're referring commons-pool, otherwise people risk to
>>>>> get confused and not able to reply.
>>>>> I don't know the Pool so deeply and maybe I didn't understand the
>>>>> problem, but reading your code I'm worried 'invalidateObject()' always
>>>>> takes 'null' as argument... take a look at this with the
>>>>> logger/debugger.
>>>> Yep. That's the problem. That call is almost certainly unnecessary. If
>>>> want to keep it, wrap it in a<code>if  (obj != null)</code>    test.
>>>> Mark
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Simo
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Daniele Bonetto
>>>>> <>    wrote:
>>>>>> Hello everyone!
>>>>>> I notice a problem using GenericObjectPool.
>>>>>> My code is like this:
>>>>>>        Object obj = null;
>>>>>>        try
>>>>>>        {
>>>>>>                obj = this.borrowObject();
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>        catch(NoSuchElementException ex)
>>>>>>        {
>>>>>>            log.error("no such element exception", ex);
>>>>>>            this.invalidateObject(obj);
>>>>>>            throw new NicProviderPoolException("no such element
>>>>>> exception",
>>>>>> ex);
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>        catch(Exception ex)
>>>>>>        {
>>>>>>            log.error("exception", ex);
>>>>>>            this.invalidateObject(obj);
>>>>>>            throw new Exception("exception", ex);
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>        return (NicProvider)obj;
>>>>>> When the borrowObject throws an exception and i invalidate the
>>>>>> borrowedObject the numActive counter was decreased by 1. The problem
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> the counter will not be increased in case of exception... So, my
>>>>>> numActive
>>>>>> counter will be -1 and isn't correct.
>>>>>> Someone has noticed this problem too?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>> Byez!
>>>>>> Daniele Bonetto
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