Hi Ferindo,

some thoughts along the line

1) all email related libraries I'm aware of are using javax.mail. So you have to get the NTLM authentication working on this level. The last problem you had is related to the SSL certificate being used by your exchange server - please see http://blogs.sun.com/andreas/entry/no_more_unable_to_find for more information

2) regarding JSP integration - your observation is correct since we provide no direct JSP integration and we never will. But I pretty much assume that you will run into 1) quickly with all JSP taglibs you find on Google. Having said that you can always reconsider moving the mail functionality out of the presentation layer into a domain servcice or application service layer (where it might belong - remember the SQL taglibs running SQL queries from a JSP page)

So have a look at 1) and keep us/me in the loop ... :-)

Thanks in advance

Siegfried Goeschl

On 10.08.10 03:53, Ferindo Middleton wrote:
Thanks for your incite with my posts regarding this Siegfried and Ricardo! I
suppose that commons-email doesn't support the kind of integration I was
hoping to use in my JSP pages. I was thinking that I could have the dynamic
content of my JSP pages embedded via the functions of Class HtmlEmail. I had
been using Mailer Tag library (
http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/mailer-doc/) that was retired in the
Jakarta Project but the security supported my company's Exchange server has
been beefed up over the year and they no longer support the basic
authentication I once was able to use in the Mailer Taglib as there is very
little configuration that tag library supported besides sending basic SMTP
email with basic authentication. I tried upgrading to the Mailer2 taglib (
http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/sandbox/doc/mailer2-doc/) via the svn made
available on the site but I don't think that project ever came to a release
point as there's no .tld or .jar files provided in the svn trunk (
and the the svn that's there won't build using ant because I don't that
project ever came to a completion point.

I had posted some other threads on trying to get commons-email to
authenticate via the apparent NTLM authentication mechanism the Exchange
server now requires but it appears that even once I get past that, this
package doesn't have enough integration I would need with my JSP dynamic
content I got used to being able to send dynamically with the Mailer Tag
library. I realize this isn't quite the forum for this, but can you point me
in the right direction to get updated resources for sending email from my

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