Hi David,

don't know if you have set any timeouts for your tests such as

+) Email.setSocketConnectionTimeout()
+) Email.setSocketTimeout()

The first two go into the email session for (javax.mail) while the two others are set directly on Email - see http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/javadocs/com/sun/mail/smtp/package-summary.html


Siegfried Goeschl

PS: Agreed on the fact the you should not hang indefinitely with a default configuration

On 21.08.10 05:23, David Parks wrote:
I set up a simple test to send 50 emails through google app's SMTP server
with a short delay between them (just testing to see what I'm allowed to

I set this up by opening 50 threads and pausing at different intervals for
each thread.

I notice that I sometimes end up with a thread that hangs indefinitely on a
connection that seems to be hung, but never times out (see the thread dump
below for one such case, it's been left hung for>  10 min now):

Any thoughts on this? Kind of scares me to think what might happen to a
server posting emails in the background. I would expect network timeouts to
all be handled at least with a default value by a simplifying wrapper class
such as this is. Or am I missing some logic here maybe?


Thread [Thread-23] (Suspended)  
        SocketInputStream.socketRead0(FileDescriptor, byte[], int, int, int)
line: not available [native method]     
        SocketInputStream.read(byte[], int, int) line: not available    
        InputRecord.readFully(InputStream, byte[], int, int) line: not
        InputRecord.read(InputStream, OutputStream) line: not available 
        SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(InputRecord, boolean) line: not available

        SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(InputRecord) line: not available   
        AppInputStream.read(byte[], int, int) line: not available       
        TraceInputStream.read(byte[], int, int) line: 106       
        BufferedInputStream.fill() line: not available  
        BufferedInputStream.read() line: not available  
        LineInputStream.readLine() line: 84     
        SMTPTransport.readServerResponse() line: 1903   
        SMTPTransport.issueSendCommand(String, int) line: 1808  
        SMTPTransport.finishData() line: 1634   
        SMTPTransport.sendMessage(Message, Address[]) line: 889 
        Transport.send0(Message, Address[]) line: 191   
        Transport.send(Message) line: 120       
        HtmlEmail(Email).sendMimeMessage() line: 1232   
        HtmlEmail(Email).send() line: 1267      
        GoogleAppsEmailTest.sendEmail(int) line: 51     
        GoogleAppsEmailTest$1.run() line: 17    
        Thread.run() line: not available        

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