Am 10.02.2011 19:49, schrieb Jon Smith:

I have searched through the archive as well as documentation but couldn't
find if Commons Configuration's XML format supports XInclude.

I know Digester has added this support but XMLConfiguration doesn't seem to
be using it or, at least, does not allow XInclude awareness to be set to

I also tried giving my own XInclude and Namespace aware DocumentBuilder to
DefaultConfigurationBuilder but didn't seem to get XInclude to work.

Following is what I am trying to do:

configuration.xml snippet:

    <xml fileName="file1.xml"/>

file1.xml snippet:

<!-- namespaces declared in header -->
    <config1 name="something"/>
    <xi:include href="file2.xml" parse="text"/>

Any pointers?

The intent is to not to let users touch configuration.xml but include more
files to the already included (e.g. file1.xml) file.



It is correct that there is no support for XInclude in XMLConfiguration - unfortunately. (Patches would be welcome ;-)

If Digester supports XInclude, then it would probably be a good idea to align the code. XMLConfiguration does not use Digester for reading XML files, it does its own parsing.

Can you elaborate a bit why it did not work to setup your own DocumentBuilder?


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