
it seems you have a 3 Classloaders at play
System (configured at startup of command shell)
catalina (usually hardcoded at $CATALINA_HOME/lib)
webapp (usually hardcoded at $CATALINA_HOME/webappname/WEB-INF/lib

since jsvc.exe is being started at command line and only has knowledge of 
system classloader I would load the jar there first
/home/jim/.bashrc for bash
/home/jim/.cshrc for cshell
/home/jim/.tcsh for tshell


Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 18:59:02 -0400
> From: jseym...@linxnet.com
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: Cannot find daemon loader 
> org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader
> Good Day,
> The vital info:
>     Apache-Tomcat 6.0.32
>     Java 1.5.0_22
>     Sun Sparc Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8 Generic_117000-05 sun4u)
>     Ant 1.8.2
>     GCC 3.4.6
> Did everything just like the docs all said to do, and the result of
> trying to start-up jsvc is:
>     "Cannot find daemon loader
>         org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader"
> catalina.out:
> Switching umask back to 022 from 077
> Using default JVM in /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/server/libjvm.so
> Attemtping to load library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/server/libjvm.so
> JVM library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/server/libjvm.so loaded
> JVM library entry point found (0x7D087578)
> | Version:                       0x010004
> | Ignore Unrecognized Arguments: False
> | Extra options:                 4
> |   "-Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/share/tomcat6" (0x00000000)
> |   "-Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/share/tomcat6" (0x00000000)
> |   "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/var/tmp" (0x00000000)
> |   
> "-Djava.class.path=/usr/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/share/tomcat6/bin/commons-daemon.jar:/usr/local/share/tomcat6/bin/bootstrap.jar"
>  (0x00000000)
> +-------------------------------------------------------
> | Internal options:              4
> |   "-Dcommons.daemon.process.id=188" (0x00000000)
> |   "-Dcommons.daemon.process.parent=187" (0x00000000)
> |   "-Dcommons.daemon.version=1.0.5" (0x00000000)
> |   "abort" (0x000098e4)
> +-------------------------------------------------------
> Java VM created successfully
> Cannot find daemon loader org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader
> java_init failed
> Service exit with a return value of 1
> What's seen on the screen:
> $ ./tomcat start
> | Detach:          True
> | Show Version:    No
> | Show Help:       No
> | Check Only:      Disabled
> | Stop:            False
> | Wait:            10
> | Run as service:  No
> | Install service: No
> | Remove service:  No
> | JVM Name:        "null"
> | Java Home:       "/usr/java"
> | PID File:        "/var/run/jsvc.pid"
> | User Name:       "nobody"
> | Extra Options:   4
> |   "-Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/share/tomcat6"
> |   "-Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/share/tomcat6"
> |   "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/var/tmp"
> |   
> "-Djava.class.path=/usr/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/share/tomcat6/bin/commons-daemon.jar:/usr/local/share/tomcat6/bin/bootstrap.jar"
> | Class Invoked:   "org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"
> | Class Arguments: 0
> +-------------------------------------------------------
> user changed to 'nobody'
> User 'nobody' validated
> Attempting to locate Java Home in /usr/java
> Attempting to locate VM configuration file /usr/java/jre/lib/jvm.cfg
> Attempting to locate VM configuration file /usr/java/lib/jvm.cfg
> Attempting to locate VM configuration file /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/jvm.cfg
> Found VM configuration file at /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/jvm.cfg
> Found VM server definition in configuration
> Checking library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/server/libjvm.so
> Found VM hotspot definition in configuration
> Checking library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/hotspot/libjvm.so
> Checking library /usr/java/lib/sparcv9/hotspot/libjvm.so
> Cannot locate library for VM hotspot (skipping)
> Found VM classic definition in configuration
> Checking library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/classic/libjvm.so
> Checking library /usr/java/lib/sparcv9/classic/libjvm.so
> Cannot locate library for VM classic (skipping)
> Found VM client definition in configuration
> Checking library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/client/libjvm.so
> Checking library /usr/java/lib/sparcv9/client/libjvm.so
> Cannot locate library for VM client (skipping)
> Found VM native definition in configuration
> Checking library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/native/libjvm.so
> Checking library /usr/java/lib/sparcv9/native/libjvm.so
> Cannot locate library for VM native (skipping)
> Found VM green definition in configuration
> Checking library /usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/green/libjvm.so
> Checking library /usr/java/lib/sparcv9/green/libjvm.so
> Cannot locate library for VM green (skipping)
> Java Home located in /usr/java
> +-- DUMPING JAVA HOME STRUCTURE ------------------------
> | Java Home:       "/usr/java"
> | Java VM Config.: "/usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/jvm.cfg"
> | Found JVMs:      1
> | JVM Name:        "server"
> |                  "/usr/java/jre/lib/sparcv9/server/libjvm.so"
> +-------------------------------------------------------
> redirecting stdout to /usr/local/share/tomcat6/logs/catalina.out and stderr 
> to &1
> wait_child 187
> Yet...
> $ jar tf /usr/local/share/tomcat6/bin/commons-daemon.jar |\
>       grep 'DaemonLoader'
> org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader$1.class
> org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader$Controller.class
> org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader$Context.class
> org/apache/commons/daemon/support/DaemonLoader.class
> Everything, everywhere, is 755 or 775 for directories, and 664 or 644
> for files.  (The above "jar | grep" was executed as a user with no
> special privs.)
> I followed a thread where a guy running Sparc Solaris 10 had the same
> problem, tho he was trying to use 32-bit everything, for some reason.
> I've just built everything with whatever the defaults were.  I did try
> the "-m64" and other switches recommended by Mladen Turk-3.  No joy.
> (That thread never seemed to reach closure.)  I even tried the jsvc
> from the daemon-1.0.1.tar.gz tarball, which worked for the guy in that
> thread. No joy there, either.
> Suggestions?
> Thanks In Advance,
> Jim
> -- 
> Note: My mail server employs *very* aggressive anti-spam
> filtering.  If you reply to this email and your email is
> rejected, please accept my apologies and let me know via my
> web form at <http://jimsun.LinxNet.com/contact/scform.php>.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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