In this case we call FileOutputStream.write(byte[]) so the array should be 
output in one shot. 


On Sep 25, 2011, at 13:59, "Daniel Pitts" <> wrote:

> Buffering is important if you are writing many small chunks in a row.  I
> haven't looked at the implementation of writeByteArrayToFile, but I'm
> assuming it the entire byte array in one shot and then closes the stream.
> Buffering would actually add extra overhead, as it would copy the byte array
> into another buffer, and the write that to the final output stream.
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Timo Rumland <>wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> sorry to bump this, but does anyone not have a comment to my question?
>> I really think I missed something, I can't imagine that the Commons IO
>> "forgot" to buffer the bytes that should be written to a file.
>> Please see my original question below.
>> Thanks a lot!
>> -------------------------------------
>>> Hello,
>>> I recently started using the FileUtils class of Commons IO, and had a
>>> quick look into the source code.
>>> The method "FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(...)" internally uses the
>>> private method "openOutputStream(...)", which creates (after some
>>> smart checks) an FileOutputStream.
>>> But, shouldn't "writeByteArrayToFile(...)" or "openOutputStream(...)"
>>> not use/create a BufferedOutputStream, wrapping the FileOutputStream?
>>> Or do I overlook something?
>>> I think one should always buffer the bytes when writing to a file...
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Thanks !
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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