a quick scan of the source gives us some cluesif  PID is not there procrun 
exits with a -1fd = open(args->pidf, O_RDONLY, 0);
    if (!quiet)
        log_debug("get_pidf: %d in %s", fd, args->pidf);
    if (fd < 0) {
        /* something has gone wrong the JVM has stopped */
        return -1;
    } later on with wait_child we check again if PID is not alive in which case 
a 1 is returned  /* check if the pid file process exists */
        fd = open(args->pidf, O_RDONLY);
        if (fd < 0 && havejvm) {
            /* something has gone wrong the JVM has stopped */
            return 1;
        }else{ ...return 0; /* ready JVM started ..0 is returned to internal 
functions*/} /*if procrun returns 0 internally you're JVM is started*/  /*.. 
the chronology for procrun denoument..*/ stop_child() while (count > 0) {
            pid = get_pidf(args, true);
            if (pid <= 0) {
                /* JVM has stopped... the pid is non-existent*/
                return 0;
        signal(SIGTERM, controller);
        signal(SIGINT, controller);        while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != 
pid) {
            /* Waith for process */
        }        /* The child must have exited cleanly */
        if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
            status = WEXITSTATUS(status);            /* Delete the pid file */
            if (args->vers != true && args->chck != true && status != 122)
                unlink(args->pidf);            /* If the child got out with 123 
he wants to be restarted */
            /* See java_abort123 (we use this return code to restart when the 
JVM aborts) */
            if (status == 123) {
                log_debug("Reloading service");
                /* prevent looping */
                if (laststart + 60 > time(NULL)) {
                    log_debug("Waiting 60 s to prevent looping");
            /* If the child got out with 0 he is shutting down */
            if (status == 0) {
                log_debug("Service shut down");
                return 0;
            }    remove_tmp_file(args);
    log_debug("Shutdown or reload requested: exiting");    /* Stop the service 
    if (java_stop() != true)
        return 6;  /*cannot stop java*/
    if (doreload == true)
        ret = 123;
        ret = 0;    /* Destroy the service */
    java_destroy();    /* Destroy the Java VM */
    if (JVM_destroy(ret) != true)
        return 7;

 yes if all goes well the JVM should be destroyed
Martin Gainty 
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 > From: james.w...@infor.com
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Commons daemon - stop the service
> Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 18:06:03 +0000
> I have played with procrun a bit more and realized that SCM waits for at most 
> two minutes. After that, it shows a message saying it got no response from 
> the process and displays "stopping" as status on the service. But when the 
> process finally ends, it shows "stopped" status (you have to manually refresh 
> the SCM). 
> Procrun has a parameter "StopTimeout", which "Defines the timeout in seconds 
> that procrun waits for service to exit gracefully."  What happens after the 
> timeout period? Does procrun shut down the JVM?
> Thanks.
> James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mladen Turk [mailto:mt...@apache.org] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 2:16 PM
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Commons daemon - stop the service
> On 05/31/2012 07:53 PM, James Wang wrote:
> > Thanks for the comments.
> > I set both start mode and stop mode to JVM.
> OK.
> > What will happen when a thread needs 20 more minutes to complete its job?
> Well for something like that procrun is not the toolkit to use.
> First of all, if you need to frequently start/stop service why using the 
> service at the first place?
> The sole purpose of service concept is to start the application at boot mode 
> or on demand and to start them in correct order.
> Then there is absolute limit which OS imposes on the service shutdown 
> timeout, and this is for all services on the system, see 
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/Q146092
> So the only clean solution is that your shutdown code does the actual cleanup 
> causing the clean exit.
> By spec, JVM won't exit if you have non-daemon threads running, so if you 
> cant make them exit, then the only solution is System.exit, which calls OS 
> process _exit() which causes the SCM to think service failed.
> Also you should design your application differently for service and command 
> line mode.
> Procrun does not need to call the main() method.
> Take a look at Tomcat. We call Bootstrap start/stop methods and main() calls 
> Bootstrap.start (after setting correct mode)
> Regards
> --
> ^TM
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