Hello Russell,

there is currently very low activity in BCEL. The reason that the API
documentation refers to the SNAPSHOT is, that we don't maintain the website
by hand. It is generated and deployed by maven. So if anybody decides to
update other parts of the website (like the user guide for example) he has
to re publish the complete website (build from trunk). This is also the
reason I can't simply checkout the release tag and publish the site from
there. It would override changes that have been made in the meantime.

Usually we publish sources and JavaDoc jars to maven central. But for BCEL
5.1 [1] is looks like there is only a sources jar. The only possibility I
currently see for you is to download the sources jar or checkout the
release tag and run mvn site.


[1] http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Cbcel%7Cbcel%7C5.1%7Cjar

2013/10/23 Russell Gold <r...@gold-family.us>

> Hi,
> I notice that the javadoc on the website for BCEL <
> http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-bcel/apidocs/index.html> refers
> to version 6.0-SNAPSHOT. But that snapshot version is, naturally, not
> available on maven central? Is the project dead? If not, could it either be
> released or the site updated to show the current released version?
> Thanks,
> Russ Gold
> -----------------
> Author, Getting Started with Apache Maven <
> http://www.packtpub.com/getting-started-with-apache-maven/video>
> Come read my webnovel, Take a Lemon <http://www.takealemon.com>,
> and listen to the Misfile radio play <
> http://www.fuzzyfacetheater.com/misfile/>!


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