> Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 22:39:14 +0100
> From: dont_k...@gmx.net
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [configuration] Calling getConfiguration on 
> DefaultConfigurationBuilder more than once permitted
> Hi Martin,
> I found a solution which fits my requirements without this ugly 
> behaviour as described before. The trick is to configure the reloading 
> strategy and force the reload checking in "config.xml":
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <configuration>
> <header>
> <result forceReloadCheck="true"/>
> </header>
MG>lets find out what forceReloadCheck and what it does
MG>/commons-configuration>grep -r -l forceReloadCheck *.*

MG>forceReloadCheck has NO effect on 
protected CombinedConfiguration createAdditionalsConfiguration(
            CombinedConfiguration resultConfig)
        CombinedConfiguration addConfig =
         new CombinedConfiguration(new UnionCombiner()); //this will STILL pull 
UNION of entities

        return addConfig;
MG>if this was chess ..i have just taken your queen
MG>your move..

> </configuration>
> That just made my day :)
> Thanks for your effort
> Stefan
> Am 22.03.2014 02:17, schrieb Martin Gainty:
> > 
> >
> >
> >> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:45:29 +0100
> >> From: dont_k...@gmx.net
> >> To: user@commons.apache.org
> >> Subject: [configuration] Calling getConfiguration on 
> >> DefaultConfigurationBuilder more than once permitted
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> is it permitted to call getConfiguration more than once on the same
> >> instance of DefaultConfigurationBuilder like this:
> >>
> >> DefaultConfigurationBuilder builder = new DefaultConfigurationBuilder();
> >> builder.setFile(new File("config.xml"));
> >> Configuration config = builder.getConfiguration(true);
> >> config = builder.getConfiguration(true);
> >> config = builder.getConfiguration(true);
> >> ...
> >>
> >> The config.xml looks like this:
> >> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> >>
> >> <configuration>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="a"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="b"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="c"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="d"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="e"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="f"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="g"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="h"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="i"/>
> >> <properties fileName="test.properties" config-at="j"/>
> >> </configuration>
> >>
> >> and the referenced file "test.properties" contains:
> >> a=a
> >> b=b
> >> c=c
> >>
> >> I asked this question, because with the first call of getConfiguration
> >> the "test.properties"-file is read 10 times (once for every
> >> "config-at"), with the second call 20 times, with the third call 30
> >> times and so on. So in the end the program slows down and after 100
> >> calls it needs 200ms to read the properties.
> > 
> > MG>builder.getConfiguration(true) a Union between one DB Table and another 
> > DB Table
> > MG>if you want to 'merge' 2 groups together I suggest using OverrideCombiner
> > MG>ConfigurationNode combine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode 
> > node2)
> > MG> 
> > http://www.docjar.com/html/api/org/apache/commons/configuration/tree/OverrideCombiner.java.html
> >> I'm a little bit confused because my idea was to instantiate
> >> DefaultConfigurationBuilder for performance reasons only once (as a
> >> Singleton) and call getConfiguration subsequently to read "fresh"
> >> properties.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Stefan
> >>
> >>
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