> From: a...@alard.net
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: [email] - Secure Password Authentication in Outlook
> Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 14:22:20 +0100
> Hi all
> I'm using the Apache Commons Email classes to send emails using SMTP. I'm
> connecting via SMTP so I don't have to support multiple configurations for
> different server providers (Outlook, Notes, ect).
> As always, it's not that simple.
> One of the options Microsoft provide is Secure Password Authentication. A
> bit of research shows this is something to do with NTLM, but I'm struggling
> a bit with understanding what bit is SPA, and what bit is NTLM. Not to worry
> about that for now.
> My main question is, does the Apache Commons Email support SPA? If so, how
> do I set that? 
MG>AFAIK commons-email does not support MS specific protocols
MG>the assumption that SMTPServer == SMTPSServer (Secure SMTP) is 
incorrectMG>Please change protocol to smtps  
MG>also javamail supports SMTPS natively
> Thanks
> Alex

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