I am using Apache Tomcat 7.0.56. I think that is the latest.


Anilkumar Ambati
 4205 S Miami Blvd

WebSphere Virtual Enterprise Development
 Durham, 27703-9141


"You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you 
ought to accomplish." -Richard Feynman (1918-1988)

Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>
Commons Users List <user@commons.apache.org>, 
11/11/2014 10:18 AM
Re: [daemon] Unable to read tomcat.pid file created by Tomcat process

So which version of [daemon] are you using? Can you try the latest and
greatest. It might not matter but it'll make debugging easier for anyone 
this ML.


On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Anil Ambati <aamb...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> I was asked to post this question in this forum.
> We have a requirement to read the PID file created by the Tomcat server
> process on Windows, but we are not able to using RandomAccessFile or
> FileInputStream because the file seems to be
> locked by the Tomcat process.
> Why does the Tomcat server keep the PID file locked, preventing other
> processes to even read the file? Is there a work around or solution for
> this problem?
> Christopher Schultz wrote this in Tomcat user forum:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> I took a quick look, and it looks like the PID file is being created
> with a file option FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE which causes the OS to
> delete the file off the disk when all file handles are closed. So,
> closing the file handle will result in the PID file being deleted.
> This option was added because the PID file wasn't being removed if the
> service crashed, which kept the service from restarting (oops).
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAEMON-183
> It seems like an option to control what happens on startup when the
> PID file already exists would be a good idea. You'll have to ask the
> procrun folks about what the options are. It seems reasonable to be
> able to read the PID file, since not being able to read it makes it
> kind of useless other than as a lock-file (i.e. its contents are
> irrelevant).
> Regards,
>   ------------------------------
>   *Anilkumar Ambati*  4205 S Miami Blvd
>  WebSphere Virtual Enterprise Development  Durham, 27703-9141 Phone:
> +1-919-254-6152  USA Mobile: +1-919-434-5674    e-mail: 
> ------------------------------
> "You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you
> ought to accomplish." -Richard Feynman (1918-1988)

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