On 06/01/2015 03:52 PM, luc wrote:
> Le 2015-06-01 15:27, Gilles a écrit :
>> Hello.
>> On Mon, 01 Jun 2015 15:03:47 +0200, luc wrote:
>>> Le 2015-06-01 14:38, Gilles a écrit :
>>>> Hi.
>>> Hi Gilles,
>>>> I have a question regarding
>>>> public Region<Euclidean2D> createRegion() throws
>>>> InsufficientDataException
>>>> in ConvexHull2D.
>>>> It throws the exception when the number of points is < 3.
>>>> One can imagine that rather than aborting it could return an "empty
>>>> Region"
>>>> (which would seamlessly work with further operations on the Region).
>>>> What do you think?
>>>> Context: in the course of a program, a "valid" region can undergo
>>>> successive
>>>> transformation until it is indeed impossible to compute the hull; it
>>>> seems
>>>> that it would be interesting to not treat that as a hard-failure
>>>> (warranting
>>>> an exception).
>>> I'm on the fence on this. The exception is advertised right at the
>>> the top
>>> interface level (ConvexHull in o.a.c.m.geometry.hull package) and
>>> clearly intended
>>> to cover this case. An empty region could be expected from computing
>>> the hull of n >= 3 aligned points, but n < 3 points is something
>>> different to me.
>> This is how I get the "Region" in my program:
>>    final ConvexHullGenerator2D hullGen = new MonotoneChain(false);
>>    final ConvexHull2D hull = hullGen.generate(data);
>>    final Region<Euclidean2D> hullRegion = hull.createRegion();
> Looking at AbstractConvexHullGenerator2D and ConvexHull2D, they indeed
> seem inconsistent with respect to the number of points.
> In AbstractConvexHullGenerator2D.generate, you can have points.size() <
> 2, there
> is a special handling. In ConvexHull2D you cannot have vertices.length < 3.
> I think this is a problem.

My understanding was that creating a 2D region with less than 3 points
does not give a meaningful result, but this assumption may be wrong.

I did recall doing some tests with less than 3 points and got weird
results, see the test case below:

  final RegionFactory<Euclidean2D> factory = new

  Vector2D p1 = new Vector2D(0, 0);
  Vector2D p2 = new Vector2D(1, 0);
  Vector2D p3 = new Vector2D(1, 1);
  Vector2D p4 = new Vector2D(0.8, 0.8);

  final Line[] lineArray = new Line[1];
  lineArray[0] = new Line(p1, p2, 1e-6);

  Region<Euclidean2D> reg = factory.buildConvex(lineArray);

I get different results for 3.3 and 4.0:

In 3.3, the results are:


In 4.0:


Doing the same test with 2 line segments (p1 -> p2 and p2 -> p3) leads
to a NullPointerException when calling getSize().

So, I tried to be conservative when creating the region, and this is
also expressed in the javadoc, although I admit there is no method to
return the minimum number of hull points that need to be present in
order to create a region.

I am really wondering if a 2D region consisting of less than 3 points
does make sense, and if so, what is the correct way to construct such a
region and what are the expected properties?

If this is clarified, I am fine to update the ConvexHull2D class to
handle these cases too.


>> So, I note that "generate" did not raise an exception whereas the
>> computation
>> request could be deemed invalid.  Then "createRegion" raises an
>> exception...
>> Something looks wrong here: if the "hull" instance is valid (from a
>> programming
>> perspective), then "hullRegion" should be valid too (i.e. "empty").
>> Assuming that you don't want to change the existing code, how can I
>> create an
>> empty region?  Is there a singleton instance to represent the concept?
> There are no singleton for empty space or full space as regions are
> always associated
> with other meta-data like tolerance, which are often problem-specific.
> You can build one as follows:
>   Region empty = new PolygonsSet(new BSPTree<Euclidean2D>(false),
> tolerance);
> Tolerance is mainly a distance in the space (here the 2D Euclidean
> plane), and
> points this close to a line will be consider to belong to the line.
> best regards,
> Luc
>> Thanks,
>> Gilles
>>> best regards
>>> Luc
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