The use case is, suppose you want to recover the source from a .class file.

In the original source, it said:

public class SomeExperiment {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
     System.out.println(SomeOtherClass.class); <<< WANT TO RECOVER THE ".class" 

In the visitor I wrote, there's an override:

     public void visitConstantClass(final ConstantClass obj) {
           String className = 
          System.out.println(class file name + ": " + className);

Dumping out the data on a .class from a .java file that contains no occurrences 
of the string ".class", I get:

com/intuit/qbo/Misc.class: com/intuit/qbo/Misc$Reader
com/intuit/qbo/Misc.class: com/intuit/qbo/util/SomeException
com/intuit/qbo/Misc.class: com/intuit/qbo/Misc
com/intuit/qbo/Misc.class: com/intuit/qbo/api/MiscIf

This means ClassConstant isn't just for .class references. It's for all 
references to classes.

How can I use BCEL to recover the original ".class" reference in SomeExperiment?

Jim Showalter
Intuit, 2003H-265Z
Garcia Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
(408) 353-4954
(408) 204-1661

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