This would only partially solve the problem.  In general a circular reference, 
in any object, will demonstrate the same problem.
-----Original Message-----
From: Facundo Molina <> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 8:19 AM
Subject: [collections] about a possible issue with AbstractLinkedList.hashCode()

Dear all,

My name is Facundo, and I'm currently working on automated test generation.
As part of an experiment, I came across a potential issue with 
org.apache.commons.collections4.list.AbstractLinkedList.hashCode. The code of 
this method is:


  public int hashCode() {

    int hashCode = 1;

    for (final E e : this) {

      hashCode = 31 * hashCode + (e == null ? 0 : e.hashCode());


    return hashCode;


The problem may arise when generating a collection of Object, and inserting the 
same collection as an element of itself. For example, consider the following 
test case using the class NodeCachingLinkedList which extends


  public void test0() {

    NodeCachingLinkedList<Object> nodeCachingLinkedListGA0 = new 




This will result in an infinite recursive call, leading to a stack overflow 

I would like to know if you consider this to be an issue. A possible solution 
would be the following:


  public int hashCode() {

    int hashCode = 1;

    for (final E e : this) {

      hashCode = 31 * hashCode + (e == null || e == this ? 0 : e .hashCode());


    return hashCode;


Please let me know what you think about it.

Best regards,

Facundo Molina

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