Note: The Javadoc says the var markers must not be null. So we could
document null and empty as the same.

The first question I have is how does this even make sense, both the start
and end markers are empty strings... so... that matches each character in
input since "a" starts with "" and ends with ""?


On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 6:46 PM Bruno P. Kinoshita <> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I reproduced the same behaviour on master branch of [text]. And indeed,
> found nothing in the javadoc that says what is the expected behaviour.
> I think the class javadoc, as well as the setter javadoc would be good
> places to have such a documentation.
> Let's see what others think about it, but if there are no objections, then
> we would need a JIRA issue to track this change (and pull requests would be
> welcome as well :)
> Thanks!Bruno
>     On Thursday, 1 October 2020, 10:49:52 am NZDT, Thomas Auinger <
>> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I can run the following test without exception but it doesn't yield the
> expected result. Also I can find no information that prefix and or suffix
> must not be empty.
> @Test
> public void testNoPrefixAndSuffix() {
>     final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
>     map.put("name", "commons");
>     assertEqualsCharSeq("Hi commons!", StringSubstitutor.replace("Hi
> name!",
> map, "", ""));
> }
> Is that a bug?
> Cheers
> Thomas

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