Hi there,

I'm a bit stumped by strange observed behaviour, which I will try to describe, and hopefully someone else can help make sense of this.

Server: proftpd with TLS enabled (TLSRequired on).
Certificate: self signed garbage.
Client: FTPSClient in Explicit mode.

Oddly enough, when I connect with commons-net FTPSClient, it connects without complaining about the obviously self signed certificate. The server logs tell me that this is happening over TLS.

The certificate is not in my keystore/truststore. And to make completely sure of that, I retested with a freshly generated one and was still able to connect.

Other clients, such as Filezilla, alert me of the certificate and ask me whether or not I want to continue connecting.

I've been trying to debug the mess that is Java's TrustManager/SSLContext for half a day now, and I still can't figure out why this is happening.

My best guess is that the certificate is *not* being validated, because the connection is upgraded (explicit mode) from clear to encrypted using the FTPS AUTH command. But that's only a guess, and I'm unsure whether that's a commons-net issue or a JDK issue or whatever.

Could someone be so kind sa to point me in the right direction?

Many thanks,


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