On 9 Aug 2009, at 07:57, Nitin Borwankar wrote:

Paul Davis wrote:

Hey Paul,

Thanks much for that.  I was hoping it was something simple like that.
"Spidermonkey doesn't use any SMP features" - does that mean it will only run on one core and essentially become the bottleneck ?

We don't parallelize view index creation yet, so this is not an additional problem for you. You can however build two views in parallel and make use of two cores that way.




Getting Erlang to spread should just be a matter of building it to
have SMP support. ICU and Spidermonkey don't make use of any SM
operation. You'll want to check Erlang's ./configure --help but I
think it compiles SMP by default. If not you'll want to check options
like --with-smp and --with-async.

Paul Davis

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Nitin Borwankar<ni...@borwankar.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I may get *free* access to an 8 core 32G server machine and am curious if the underlying Erlang layer will automagically spread itself across 8 cores or does anything need to be done in particular while build, install or

Second this is a 64 bit RHEL or FC machine ( not sure exactly whihc but it
doesn't matter much)  so the Ubuntu niceness is missing.
So when installing from release tarball what's the best way to install dependencies ( the instructions seem only to talk about debian apt- get
Are there recent RPM's that can be installed via yum that will satisfy needs
of 0.90 and beyond ? Anyone done this before ?

37% of all statistics are made up on the spot
Nitin Borwankar

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