On 18 Nov 2009, at 11:46, 7zark7 wrote:

> Bit of a design question, hope you can provide some guidance:
> I'm writing an internal wiki-like web application, and one of the use-cases 
> is to comment on a document.
> Domain model is simple:
> a Comment class with text, date, and a collection of child comments.
> My first implementation stores the comment tree in a single document, since 
> it is very easy to serialize and deserialize, and the comment tree itself can 
> be thought of as a holistic "document".
> This works great, but now running into an issue on how to best support 
> revision conflicts when multiple people are commenting at the same time.
> If I were to keep the tree stored in a single document, I would have to load 
> the two conflicting versions in code, manually combine the trees, and then 
> save a new version, correct?
> From a storage-perspective, it seems it would be simpler then to store each 
> comment as its own document, with a "foreign key" of sorts pointing to a 
> parent comment, which would be much less likely to have conflicts.
> But then it seems I'm forcing a relational model into a document-based DB.
> Any thoughts on this?

Christopher Lenz has a great discussion about this very problem:



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